The Hammerback Happenings

I am going to try this blogging thing again and see if I can keep up--I update monthly with photos and happenings--blogging is my way of scrapbooking and keeping up with all the pictures. Click on archive list of titles to view older posts as they all don't show on the main page, and set as a favorite too!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Potty Training Update

Overall, I have to say that potty training has gone very well!!  She is always asking to go and accidents occur very rarely.  We can't say that we have it mastered quite yet, but we are well on our way.  Yesterday, she went all by herself without asking for helping, me asking her if she had to go, or her telling me she had to go!!  She just came to me and stated that she went poopy and was screaming, "I made a snake!!"  Crazy that this our life right now---lots of potty talk!!  :)

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