The Hammerback Happenings

I am going to try this blogging thing again and see if I can keep up--I update monthly with photos and happenings--blogging is my way of scrapbooking and keeping up with all the pictures. Click on archive list of titles to view older posts as they all don't show on the main page, and set as a favorite too!!

Monday, November 22, 2010


Visiting Paul and Babes

Paul's toe nails

Fire Pit

Naters and Ray Ray

Uncle Jerrod

Roasting Marshmellows with Grandma

Carving Pumpkins with Auntie Joy


The mighty hunter-watch out squirrels!!

The boys built a deer stand together.  Reagan's comment to Grandpa Henry,
 as she thought it was a playhouse just for her, was, "It needs windows!!" 

Snuggles with Grandma

Building forts with Uncle Jason

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