The Hammerback Happenings

I am going to try this blogging thing again and see if I can keep up--I update monthly with photos and happenings--blogging is my way of scrapbooking and keeping up with all the pictures. Click on archive list of titles to view older posts as they all don't show on the main page, and set as a favorite too!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Cabin in The UP of Michigan

We took our annual trip to The UP and as always a great time in Michigan spent with Jason, and The Eatons.  So many pics and great memories!!  The girls had a blast together and played very well.  Shana and I even enjoyed a Mom's Day out by going in to town to treat ourselves to facials and massage!!  The boys went golfing one day, fishing and to The Lodge to watch the Twins game.  I think the highlight was Misery Bay on Lake Superior--so beautiful!! 
Feeding the ducks-they were very well feed and surely miss us!!

Uncle Jason (or My Jason-as Reagan calls him) and Reagan Fishing

No fear this girl-- as she would go right in the water and run on the dock without us.  We had a few time-outs for this. 

Natalie and Reagan

The boat ride-whew!!  This was not the most relaxing for the adults with 3 wiggely kids!!

Misery Bay- On Lake Superior

Best Buds

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