The Hammerback Happenings

I am going to try this blogging thing again and see if I can keep up--I update monthly with photos and happenings--blogging is my way of scrapbooking and keeping up with all the pictures. Click on archive list of titles to view older posts as they all don't show on the main page, and set as a favorite too!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The U.P. of Michigan Cabin Vacation

Our last and best trip with Jason and The Eatons--so many good times and memories!!
Reagan loved casting and fishing off the dock.
Swimming raft --many hours of fun!!
Nothing says summer like--Watermelon
Jumping off the dock
All of Reagan's swimming lessons paid off--she is now officially a fish!!
Nakey Boy
Feeding the ducks
Little Hank fishing
Cabin you will be missed…:(
The Grill Master
One of my favorite views
Awe too cute!!
The Eaton Girls are here!!!
Clap Games
Sauna time!!
Oh Baby it's HOT!!
A jump in the lake!!
Photo Bomb --Jason
Snuggle time with Nat and Hank
Good-bye Twin Lakes

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