The Hammerback Happenings

I am going to try this blogging thing again and see if I can keep up--I update monthly with photos and happenings--blogging is my way of scrapbooking and keeping up with all the pictures. Click on archive list of titles to view older posts as they all don't show on the main page, and set as a favorite too!!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Former Richfield Neighbors

Fun day at Canterbury and dinner at our house with former Richfield neighbors. The girls had a blast and the boys were on the run and these were the best pics we could get of Roman and Hank. Thanks so much for coming all the way out to the country- ha!! We miss you guys!! Oh and your mugs have been added, Linda, yours is towards the back with those awful GB colors you used. Come back and fill them soon!!

Sticky, Sticky!!

If my kids could and I would let them, they would eat pancakes or waffles for every meal.  It is summer and I have to remember we won't be doing pancakes every morning once school starts, so when they request this sticky, messy breakfast choice...the answer for today is yes, just because we can!!

Grandma Gertie's Quilts

Grandma Gertie made each of the kids quilts for their beds.  What special keepsakes!!  Henry wasn't cooperating for picture, he wanted to jump on the bed and hide instead.

Dinosaur Roar!!

Henry loves to ROAR and scare us, especially his sister and her friends.  He loves the movie Monsters University and loves to chase Reagan around the house and be the Scary Monster too.  He thinks he is pretty funny, and so do we!!


I Love my Lil' guy in trunks!!

Trikes and Toddlers

Many miles on the trike this summer up and down the driveway trying to keep up with Big Sis!!  We are still working on using the pedals vs. Flinstone style.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Sports-sports any sport!!

Basketball, football, hockey, soccer, baseball and golf are BIG favorites of Hankey Davey.  He is always hauling around hockey sticks, throwing balls, and swinging bats and clubs.  Taking a 2 year old out to eat at a restaurant is never easy, however, when we take him to Buffalo Wild Wings it is a breeze  as he is surrounded by a gazillion TVs with sports on every one!!  I wonder which sport he will choose to play one day??

Terrible 2s

How quickly we forgot how trying this age can be…ugh!!  The crying, the whining, screaming no, hitting, biting, throwing things…the list continues.  But just when you feel like you want to rip your hair out, he will do something that makes you crack up or melt your heart.  2 is hard---but can be so lovable too!!

All Aboard!!

This is HD on his Thomas the Train-which has been many hours of fun!! (note- we don't make him wear the helmet on this slow moving train, he just refuses to take it off) :)-Safety 1st!!

Valley Fair

With Valley Fair just down the street we buy season passes every summer.  This year, Reagan is tall enough to go on some of the bigger rides and she is so excited because she can now go on the water slides.  She loves the Tilt-a-Whirl and the waterslide with the big raft.  We went down 3 times in a row and screaming could be heard from miles around!!